The Solution


For two years

I contemplated how to navigate

a difficult situation.

Then, one day, 

a friend was telling me a story

about his being in the swamp,

and he realized that it was needful to

“Get out of the boat and kill the alligator!”

It felt as if he hit me over the head with his rowing oar.

Suddenly, I knew what steps to take in my difficult situation.

Friends and readers: It is our time to get out of the boat, rid ourselves of burdens we carry (alligators), and pursue new adventures as this is the last day of this poetry blog. It has been a pleasure to write among such fine folks and writers and to invite our readers to join us every day. 


Leilani Smith

Photo credit: Adriaan Greyling from Pexels


  1. Leilani, this has been such a fine ride together in the poetry realm. And what a timely piece, time to start whacking some alligators!

  2. hugs Leilani .. ty and bless you! BLESS YOU ALL! .. and thx for the alligator tip! :)

  3. As a mere reader, it has been such a joy to read the work of this group of extraordinary writers. It has been a lovely journey. What an excellent last submission, Leilani, to close it all out. I needed to hear it, and am passing it along to another friend who needs to hear it. Thank you. Thank you all. :)


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